Elite Public High School

Elite Public High School

Academics Overview

Basic Objectives

  • Elite school believes is Islamic philosophy of education. EPS provides very congenial environment for an academic, religious and social education.
  • The main objective of Elite school is to groom suitably young generation of Millat-e-islamia with all facts of the modern knowledge in the Islamic framework of educational discipline as mentioned in the Holy Quarn and Sunnah (S.A.W).
  • The Education that Elite School provides enables its students to integrate within Pakistan, as well as in the abroad countries which they ultimately bring their professional skills and attitude. EPS is trying to maintain a balance of modern and cultural best practice education.
  • Our education inshAllah groom the students with faith in Allah and follow the life of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W).
  • Students also groom with Islamic values of truth, justice, honesty, trust, hardworking, self respect, respect of elders, care of younger, serve to humanity, patriotism to country and a sense of duty.

Academic affairs in EPS are looked after by the Elite Research & Training Department (E.R.T.D).

Major areas of ERTD are:

  • Curriculum Development
  • Professional Development (PD)
  • Student Guidance & Counseling
  • Provide Teacher Resources

Academic Standards

we follow National and international core standards.

annual report

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Formative and submative Assessment system is present in Elite Public High School.

english program

English taught as a second Language in Elite school. Basic skills of Language are stress in classes.


Mathematics is taught to develop Intellectual skills and problem solving skills.


Practical base chemistry is taught. Students not only learn concepts but also do practicals in Lab.

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